Understanding the Changes to BC's Residential Tenancy Act: What Landlords Need to Know

Significant amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act (RTA) are on the horizon with the implementation of Bill 14 – 2024: Tenancy Statutes Amendment Act. These changes are designed to increase compliance with eviction provisions and prevent bad-faith evictions, with some measures having taken effect on July 18, 2024, and others to be phased in over time. Here’s what current landlords and prospective investment property buyers in British Columbia need to know about navigating tenant evictions under the new regulatory landscape.

Key Changes in Effect Since July 18, 2024

1. Landlord Use Web Portal

One of the major changes introduced by Bill 14 is the creation of the Landlord Use Web portal that launched on July 18. Landlords intending to evict tenants for personal or caretaker use must now generate a Notice to End Tenancy through this portal. This requirement aims to enhance transparency and accountability, reducing instances of bad-faith evictions.

The portal will also enable the Residential Tenancy Branch to conduct post-eviction compliance audits, ensuring that landlords follow through with their stated intentions. This increased scrutiny aims to safeguard tenants' rights and maintain trust in the eviction process.

2. Extended Notice Periods

As of July 18th, the notice period for evictions due to personal or caretaker use increased from 2 months to 4 months. This change gives tenants more time to find alternative housing, reflecting a more tenant-friendly approach in the legislative amendments.

Future Changes to Monitor

1. Prohibition on Non-Residential Conversions

Bill 14 will eventually repeal Section 49(6)(f) of the RTA, which allows evictions for converting rental units to non-residential uses. This section will be replaced with a prohibition on such conversions, except for specific uses prescribed by regulation. The timing of this change is not yet determined, and landlords considering such conversions should stay informed about the forthcoming regulations.

2. Extended Use Requirement for Personal or Caretaker Use

The duration for which landlords must use a rental unit for personal or caretaker purposes after evicting a tenant will increase from 6 months to 12 months. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in landlords being liable to pay 12 months' rent as compensation to the evicted tenant. The exact implementation date for this change is yet to be announced.

Implications for Landlords and Buyers

Increased Accountability and Transparency

The introduction of the Landlord Use Web portal and the extended notice periods significantly impact how landlords must approach tenant evictions. The portal not only serves as a tool for issuing notices but also as a compliance mechanism, ensuring landlords adhere to the stipulated eviction reasons.

Legal and Financial Risks

Landlords must be aware of the heightened legal and financial risks associated with non-compliance. The penalties for bad-faith evictions—such as paying 12 months' rent to the evicted tenant—underscore the importance of genuine intent and adherence to the new regulations.

The extended four-month notice period for evictions also has significant implications for mortgage approvals, creating new legal and financial risks for landlords and potential property buyers.

Interest Rate Holds and Mortgage Approvals

  • Interest Rate Holds: Typically, interest rate holds last for 90-120 days. With the extended notice period, buyers might face the expiration of their interest rate hold, leaving them uncertain about the ultimate rate or payment, which could jeopardize their ability to afford the mortgage at closing time.

  • Approval Based on Current Rates: Mortgage approvals based on current rates could be invalidated if interest rates fluctuate during the extended notice period. This uncertainty can leave buyers unable to secure the necessary funds to complete the purchase.

  • Owner-Occupied Purchases: Lenders may be reluctant to approve a mortgage if a tenant is still present, complicating the financing process for buyers who intend to occupy the property.

Impact on Insured Mortgages and Investors

  • Insured Mortgages: For insured or “high ratio” mortgages, which occurs when a buyer has a down payment of less than 20%, the presence of a tenant reclassifies the property as a rental, which can lead to financing declines. This issue disproportionately impacts first-time buyers who rely on insured mortgages to enter the housing market.

  • Investor Challenges: Investors already facing cash flow issues due to rising interest rates will find it even more challenging to sell tenanted properties. The difficulty in accessing properties and the extended notice period reduces the appeal to potential buyers, exacerbating the housing supply shortage.

Strategic Planning for Property Investments

Prospective investment property buyers should factor in these changes when planning acquisitions. The amendments emphasize tenant protection, which could influence the timelines and strategies for property redevelopment or repurposing. It is crucial for investors to consult with legal and property management professionals to navigate these changes effectively.

Unintended Consequences

The impact of these changes, especially the effect of the new 4 month notice period for eviction on financing and mortgage approvals, may have several unintended consequences if these issues are not addressed.

  • Fewer Rentals: Landlords may be less inclined to rent out properties due to the increased complexity and risks involved in evicting tenants for personal or caretaker use.

  • Reduced Buyer Interest: Potential buyers may be unwilling to purchase tenanted properties due to the uncertainty and complications associated with the extended notice period.

  • Longer Closing Periods: The extended notice period can lead to longer closing periods, increasing the risk of transactions collapsing at the last minute.

  • Decreased Housing Availability: Ultimately, these factors could lead to less housing availability, contradicting the goal of increasing the housing supply.

This policy, while well-intentioned, needs reassessment to avoid punishing small real estate investors and further complicating the already challenging housing market in the lower mainland. Landlords and potential property buyers must navigate these changes carefully, considering the new risks and planning accordingly to avoid financial pitfalls.


As the provincial government strives to enhance the stability and affordability of rental housing, the amendments introduced by Bill 14 represent a significant shift in the regulatory landscape.Landlords must stay informed and comply with these changes to avoid potential penalties and ensure fair treatment of tenants. By understanding and adapting to these new requirements, landlords can better manage their properties and maintain positive tenant relationships.

With these changes, it’s more important than ever for landlords to work closely with property managers and legal advisors to ensure compliance and strategic planning in the evolving rental market in British Columbia.


How the Bank of Canada's Interest Rate Cut Affects Home  Owners and Home Buyers

The recent interest rate cut by the Bank of Canada has sparked considerable discussion among current and prospective homebuyers. While many were hoping for substantial relief, the reality is that the immediate financial impact is relatively modest. Here's a closer look at how this rate cut translates into savings and what it means for those navigating the housing market.

Impact on Floating-Rate Mortgages

For homeowners with adjustable-rate mortgages, the rate cut provides a slight reduction in monthly payments. Consider a homeowner with a five-year adjustable-rate mortgage at 5.95%, with a mortgage balance of $328,000. With the new rate of 5.7%, their monthly payment would decrease by $47, from $2,170 to approximately $2,123.

Effect on First-Time Homebuyers

First-time buyers stand to gain slightly more. For instance, if a buyer plans to purchase a home valued at $703,446 with a 10% down payment and a variable-rate mortgage, the rate cut from 5.95% to 5.7% would lower their monthly payment by $96, from $4,157 to $4,061. This small reduction can still make a difference, though it might not be the game-changer many were hoping for.

Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) and Other Floating-Rate Debt

Borrowers with HELOCs and other lines of credit will see minor savings. For example, someone with a $101,482 balance on a HELOC at a 7.7% interest rate would see their minimum payment drop by $21, from $651 to $630. This reduction primarily impacts the interest portion of the payment, with minimal effect on the principal owed.

Smaller Debts and Auto Loans

For smaller debts, the savings are even less significant. A borrower with $11,790 on a personal line of credit at 8.2% interest would see a reduction of just $2.46 in their monthly payment. Similarly, Canadians with average auto loans of $19,959 would experience only marginal savings if their loans have floating rates.

Fixed-Rate Mortgages: A Different Story

The impact of the rate cut on fixed-rate mortgages depends on market expectations and investor reactions. Fixed rates are influenced by bond yields, which are affected by the Bank of Canada's rate decisions and the accompanying statements. If the central bank signals a more aggressive approach to future cuts, fixed rates may decrease, benefiting new and renewing borrowers. Conversely, a cautious outlook could lead to higher fixed rates.

While the Bank of Canada's interest rate cut offers some financial relief, the immediate savings for most borrowers are modest. Current and prospective homebuyers should consider these small reductions as part of a broader financial strategy rather than a significant game-changer. Understanding the nuances of how these rate changes affect different types of debt can help Canadians make more informed decisions in the housing market.


Important Update for Strata Property Owners and Prospective Buyers in B.C.

As a realtor dedicated to providing the most current and impactful information to my clients, it's important to discuss the recent changes to the British Columbia Strata Property Act concerning depreciation reports. Effective July 1, 2024, these changes will affect anyone who owns or is considering purchasing a strata property, especially in smaller strata corporations.

Understanding the Changes to Depreciation Reports

Depreciation reports are critical documents that help strata corporations plan for future repairs and maintenance by outlining the anticipated costs over a 30-year period. Previously, strata corporations with five or more lots could defer the requirement to obtain these reports by a 3/4 vote at annual meetings. However, under the new regulations, this deferral is no longer possible, and all applicable strata corporations must update their depreciation reports every five years without exception.

Impact on Strata Owners and Purchasers

  1. Increased Costs for Small Stratas: For owners in smaller stratas, the new requirement to obtain and regularly update depreciation reports every five years can represent a significant financial burden. Smaller stratas often operate with tighter budgets, and the cost of hiring qualified professionals to prepare these comprehensive reports can be substantial.

  2. Benefits for Prospective Buyers: For those looking to purchase a strata property, the availability of up-to-date depreciation reports is immensely beneficial. These reports provide a clear picture of the property’s condition and the expected future expenses, which can influence purchasing decisions and financing options. Prospective buyers can better assess the value and potential long-term costs of a property, making for a more informed investment.

  3. Long-Term Planning for Current Owners: For current strata property owners, regular depreciation reports facilitate better financial planning. Knowing the anticipated maintenance and repair costs helps strata corporations set appropriate reserve funds and plan for special levies or loans, which can stabilize financial management and avoid unexpected expenses.

  4. Enhanced Transparency and Property Value: Regular and updated depreciation reports enhance the transparency of a property’s management, which can be appealing to prospective buyers and contribute to maintaining or increasing property values over time.

Advice for Strata Owners and Buyers

  • For Owners: Engage with your strata council to understand the implications of these new requirements and ensure your strata is preparing adequately for the financial aspects of compliance.

  • For Prospective Buyers: Always request the most recent depreciation report when evaluating a strata property. Consider the long-term financial obligations and how they align with your investment goals.


The new regulations for depreciation reports in B.C. represent a significant change for strata property management, particularly affecting smaller stratas with the financial implications of compliance. However, these changes also bring about benefits such as improved transparency and better long-term planning capabilities, which can enhance property value and investment potential. Whether you are a current owner or a potential buyer, it's crucial to understand these changes and how they can impact your property decisions.

If you're considering buying a strata property or if you currently own one and have questions about how these changes affect you, please reach out. As your trusted real estate advisor, I'm here to help you navigate these changes and ensure your real estate decisions are informed and strategic.


Navigating Canada's 2024 Capital Gains Tax Changes for Real Estate Owners

With the unveiling of the 2024 federal budget, significant changes are on the horizon, particularly affecting real estate owners. Among these changes, modifications to the capital gains tax structure are pivotal, especially for those holding secondary properties. Understanding these changes is essential for effective financial planning and investment strategy.

Understanding Capital Gains in Real Estate

Capital gains refer to the profit realized when a property is sold for more than its purchase price. For example, if you bought a home for $550,000 and later sold it for $850,000, your capital gain would be $300,000. In real estate, capital gains tax is typically not applied to the sale of a primary residence but does affect secondary properties like cottages, vacation homes, or investment properties.

The New Changes to Capital Gains Tax

Currently, capital gains are taxed at a 50% inclusion rate, meaning only half of your gain ($150,000 of your $300,000 profit) is taxable. The proposed changes in the 2024 budget will increase this rate to two-thirds for gains exceeding $250,000. In the previous example, this means that $200,000 of your $300,000 profit would now be taxable instead of $150,000. This will likely affect many who have real estate investments.

Why the Change?

The government has introduced this change to address income inequality and ensure that those with higher earnings from investments pay a proportionate amount of taxes. This threshold aims to exempt the average Canadian homeowner from increased taxes, targeting instead high-value transactions typically seen in the luxury and investment property markets.

Impact on Real Estate Investors

For those wanting to invest in real estate or purchase a second property for personal use, such as a vacation home, this change means a significant adjustment in calculating potential returns on investments, particularly when selling properties that have appreciated substantially. If you're contemplating the sale of a secondary property that has seen considerable appreciation, you'll now face a higher tax bill on the profit exceeding $250,000. It's crucial for property investors to reevaluate their portfolios and consider timing their sales or exploring other tax strategies.

Strategies for Mitigating Impact

To mitigate the impact of these changes, consider consulting with a real estate lawyer or a tax professional who can provide guidance on planning and possibly restructuring your investments. For example, it might be advantageous to sell certain properties before the tax changes take effect or explore ways to offset losses due to taxation with gains from other investments.

Market Predictions and Economic Impact

Experts predict that these changes might cool down the overheated segments of Canada’s real estate market by discouraging rapid buying and selling of high-value properties. However, the long-term effects on market dynamics and property values remain to be fully seen. Economists expect that the main housing market should remain largely unaffected by these changes.

The 2024 capital gains tax adjustment marks a significant shift for real estate investors in Canada. While it aims to foster fairness in the tax system, it requires careful consideration and planning from those who will be affected. As always, staying informed and seeking professional advice are your best strategies in navigating these changes.

If you own secondary properties or are considering real estate investments, now is the time to talk to your advisor. Understanding these changes and planning accordingly will be key to maintaining the health and profitability of your investments. Have questions or need advice? Feel free to reach out or leave a comment below. Let’s navigate these changes together.


Understanding BC’s New Short-Term Rental Rules: A Guide for Property Owners

The British Columbia Government has introduced the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act, marking a significant shift in the short-term rental market. Here is a concise overview of how these new rules may impact property owners and prospective buyers in BC. The legislation aims to increase the availability of long-term residential housing by introducing new regulations that property owners should be aware of.

Key Changes Introduced

Starting May 1, 2024, the act brings several important changes:

  • Short-term rentals are limited to the host’s principal residence plus one secondary suite or accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in major BC communities.

  • Regional districts are empowered to license short-term rentals located outside municipalities.

  • Platforms offering short-term rentals must share data to help enforce these rules.

  • The concept of grandfathering for existing short-term rentals will be removed.

  • A provincial registry for short-term rentals will be created alongside a compliance and enforcement unit.

These regulations apply primarily to residential properties, excluding hotels, motels, and other specific types of accommodations. Additionally, local municipal restrictions may impose stricter rules than those set by the province.

Implications for Property Owners

If you own a property currently used as a short-term rental or are considering entering this market, it's crucial to understand how these regulations may affect you. The new law requires compliance at both provincial and municipal levels, and ensuring your rental strategy aligns with these rules is key to maintaining a legal and profitable operation.

Guidance for Prospective Buyers

For those looking to purchase property with the intent of short-term rental, the evolving legal framework surrounding housing and rentals in BC means due diligence is more important than ever. The market is responding to a critical housing shortage, and laws are adapting accordingly. Potential buyers should be aware of the current and possible future legal climate surrounding short-term rentals, including the need for legal advice to navigate these waters effectively.

What Does This Mean Moving Forward?

These legislative changes represent a significant shift in how short-term rentals will operate in British Columbia, aiming to address the housing shortage while balancing the interests of homeowners and communities. For property owners and potential buyers, staying informed and consulting with legal experts can provide clarity and direction in this new landscape.

As we navigate these changes, understanding the implications and strategizing accordingly will be crucial for anyone involved in the short-term rental market. Whether you're an existing property owner or considering a future investment, the evolving regulations underscore the importance of informed decision-making in BC's dynamic real estate environment.


New Protections for Renters and Landlords in British Columbia

British Columbia is set to introduce significant amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act and Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act, aiming to create a fairer rental market. These changes are designed to protect both renters and landlords from the pitfalls of the current system, including bad-faith evictions and unreasonable rent hikes, especially when a family grows by adding a child under 19.

Key updates include stricter guidelines to prevent misuse of eviction notices and the implementation of a web portal to standardize eviction processes. This portal will also facilitate post-eviction audits to ensure compliance. The amendments also offer increased protection against rent increases, mandating that no rent hikes above the annual allowable increase can occur due to the addition of new occupants.

Additionally, the government is improving the efficiency of resolving rental disputes. By enhancing the Residential Tenancy Branch’s capabilities, the wait times for dispute resolution have significantly decreased, ensuring quicker resolutions for both unpaid rents and utility disputes.

These legislative changes are part of the government’s broader initiative, the Homes for People Action Plan, aimed at tackling the housing crisis and making residential tenancies more secure and fair for everyone involved.

For renters and landlords in British Columbia, these updates mean a more stable, predictable, and fair renting environment, contributing positively to the province's overall housing health.


Navigating the New Landscape: Understanding Changes to B.C.’s Property Transfer Tax

The British Columbia government recently made amendments to the Property Transfer Tax, a wave of adjustments is set to impact homebuyers, sellers, and the broader market. Let’s delve into what these changes mean and how they could shape the future of property ownership in B.C.

The Evolution of the Property Transfer Tax

The Property Transfer Tax (PTT), a staple in B.C.’s real estate sector, has seen its impact grow over time. Initially introduced in 1987 as a levy on real estate transactions, the PTT has become a key revenue source for the province. In the fiscal year 2022/23, the PTT generated a substantial $2.026 billion in revenue. However, projections for 2023/24 indicate a decrease to $1.799 billion. This decline reflects the dynamic nature of the real estate market and underscores the importance of understanding the latest changes to the tax.

What Has Changed?

Recent adjustments to this tax have been substantial. They are an effort by the government’s to make housing more accessible for Canadians and stimulate the development of affordable homes. Here’s what’s new as of April 1, 2024:

Expanded Relief for First-Time Homebuyers

In a move lauded by many, the threshold for the First Time Homebuyers Program has been raised from $500,000 to $835,000. This change not only broadens the eligibility criteria but also enhances affordability for first-time buyers. By increasing the threshold, more individuals can step onto the property ladder, a critical step towards homeownership. For more information on eligibility requirements visit

Expanded Relief for First-Time Homebuyers

The exemption threshold for new construction homes has been elevated from $750,000 to $1.1 million. To qualify for this exemption, the purchased property must be intended as the buyer’s principal residence. These adjustments are a strategic move to foster affordability and stimulate the market for new construction, making it more attainable for individuals to purchase a new principal residence in British Columbia. For additional information about eligibility requirements visit

Tax Exemptions for Rental Developments

Another pivotal change is the proposal of tax exemptions for eligible purpose-built rental buildings. This policy aims to encourage the development of rental properties, addressing the acute need for more rental options in the province. For more information on this visit

The Door Opens Wider: New Exemptions Pave the Way for Buyers

B.C.’s property transfer tax has long been yet another hurdle for those looking to enter the real estate market. The recent enhancements to British Columbia’s PTT exemptions mark a promising stride towards greater housing accessibility. By raising the exemption thresholds for first-time buyers and new construction, these changes stand to ease some of the financial hurdles of entering the housing market. I am personally encouraged by these reforms and hopeful that they will offer substantial relief to homebuyers, enabling more individuals and families to achieve the dream of homeownership in our vibrant communities.

Stay Informed

To stay up to date on changes in the real estate industry you can sign up to receive our monthly newsletter here:


Setting a New Course: B.C.’s Bold Move Against Home Flipping

British Columbia’s housing market is at a crossroads. With the increasing turbulence caused by property speculation, the dream of owning a home has become a complex puzzle for many. In a decisive move, the provincial government has introduced the “BC home flipping tax,” a strategic piece in the larger mosaic of the “Homes For People” initiative. This proposed tax aims to anchor the market in favor of long-term residency and sustainable community growth. As we embark on this journey through the new legislation set to take effect January 1, 2025, let’s explore the potential impacts and nuances of a policy crafted to balance the scales of the real estate market. Join us as we navigate the contours of this bold move, understanding its intent, reach, and the ripples it may create across British Columbia’s housing landscape.

Purpose and Implementation of the Home Flipping Tax

The BC government has charted a course to discourage rapid property flipping for profit. With the new tax set to impact sales of properties sold on or after January 1, 2025, it sends a clear signal: the housing market should prioritize long-term residency over short-term gain. This tax isn’t just a deterrent; it’s a beacon guiding towards a more stable housing market for all British Columbians.

Tax Rate and Duration

The proposed tax structure is akin to a sliding scale of financial commitment to the province’s housing market. Sell within a year? That’s a 20% tax on profits. But as the anchor of ownership settles beyond a year, the tax rate diminishes to zero by the end of the second year. This graduated approach incentivizes longer-term investments and steadies the market against the choppy waters of speculation.

Applicability of the Tax

Whether you’re a resident of the lush rainforests of BC or the concrete jungles of elsewhere, this tax casts a wide net. It’s not where you’re from; it’s where your property interests lie. Targeting sales of properties held for less than two years, the tax is the government’s lighthouse guiding sellers to think twice before parting ways with their BC property too swiftly.

Exemptions to the Tax

The tax, though broad in its reach, shows compassion through its exemptions. Life can be as unpredictable. Whether due to life’s storms like separation or the calmer tides of job relocation, certain circumstances allow for exemption from this tax. Moreover, contributing to the housing supply, such as through development, might also offer safe harbour from the tax.

Properties Affected by the Tax

The tax shores are clearly marked: it’s primarily residential properties that fall within its territory. But there are sanctuaries – non-residential properties and lands governed by Indigenous Nations, for instance, are beyond its scope. This distinction ensures that the tax supports the housing ecosystem without encroaching on the rights and agreements with Indigenous communities.

Future Plans and Additional Information

The government’s map for this tax is still being charted, with more details on exemptions and tax mechanisms to be released in the future. Stakeholders are keeping a watchful eye on how these policies will unfold and impact the broader horizon of BC’s housing market.

It’s clear the BC home flipping tax is meant to be more than a financial imposition; it serves as a statement of values. A commitment to long-term residents over quick profit seekers. The true impact of this policy will reveal itself in time, so stayed tuned for more updates on this tax and more by signing up for our monthly newsletter at


The Homebuyer’s Guide to Avoiding Mistakes: What NOT to Do When Buying a Home

Embarking on the journey to buy a home is an exhilarating adventure filled with hopes and dreams. But it’s also a path strewn with potential pitfalls. The key to a successful home-buying experience lies not just in knowing what to do, but also in being aware of what not to do. This blog post aims to be your beacon, guiding you away from common mistakes that can turn your dream home purchase into a regrettable experience.

Rushing the Process

Dangers of Making Hasty Decisions

In the excitement of buying a home, it’s easy to make quick, emotion-driven decisions. However, this can lead to overlooking crucial details like property faults or hidden costs. The impulse to act fast is understandable, especially in a seller’s market where properties sell rapidly. But remember, even in a fast-paced market, a rushed decision can lead to long-term financial and emotional burdens.

Balancing Speed and Diligence

While it’s true that market conditions can dictate the pace of your decision-making, especially in a seller’s market, balancing speed with careful consideration is vital. In a fast-moving market, you may not have the luxury of extensive contemplation, but this doesn’t mean abandoning due diligence. Be as thorough as possible within your time constraints. Have your financial arrangements in order, know your must-haves versus nice-to-haves, and be prepared to make informed decisions swiftly. It’s about finding the middle ground between not rushing into a decision and not missing out due to indecision.

Misleading Nature of Photos

Listing photos are the first impression of a property, but they can be deceiving. Professional staging and strategic photography can mask flaws and enhance features to an unrealistic degree. It’s crucial to remember that these photos are marketing tools designed to pique your interest.

The Need for In-Person Visits

There’s no substitute for experiencing a home in person. A physical visit can reveal a lot more about the property and its surroundings. It’s your opportunity to gauge the actual size, layout, and condition of the home and get a true feel for the neighbourhood.

Neglecting the Neighborhood

The neighbourhood in which a home is located plays a pivotal role in both the property’s value and your quality of life. Factors like local schools, crime rates, amenities, and even the community’s character can significantly influence your living experience. It’s not just about the home itself but also about the community you’ll become a part of.

Researching the Neighborhood

Understanding the neighbourhood is as important as inspecting the house. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  1. Community Dynamics: Is the neighbourhood family-friendly? What’s the demographic like? Are there community events or associations?
  2. Safety and Crime Rates: Check local crime statistics and talk to residents about their experiences. Safety is paramount in determining your peace of mind in your new home.
  3. School Districts: For those with or planning to have children, the quality of nearby schools can be a deal-breaker. Research the local schools’ ratings and reputation.
  4. Local Amenities and Services: Proximity to necessities like grocery stores, hospitals, parks, and restaurants adds to the convenience and appeal of a neighbourhood.
  5. Transportation and Commute: Consider the availability of public transportation, ease of access to major roads, and typical commute times to work or other frequently visited places.
  6. Future Development Plans: Look into any planned developments or changes in the neighbourhood, as these can affect property values and the overall living experience.
  7. Noise and General Ambiance: Visit the neighbourhood at different times of the day and night. Are there noise issues, like heavy traffic or a nearby airport? The general ambiance of the area can greatly impact your living comfort.
  8. Property Values and Trends: Investigate the trends in property values in the area. Are they appreciating? This can be a good indicator of the neighbourhood’s desirability and potential for future growth.

Engaging with the Community

If possible, try to engage with the local community before making your decision. Attend a local event, visit the neighbourhood cafe, or stroll through nearby parks. Conversations with potential neighbours can offer unfiltered insights into the area’s day-to-day life and community spirit.

Underestimating Additional Costs

A home’s purchase price is just the tip of the iceberg. Closing costs, property taxes, maintenance, and unexpected repairs can add up quickly. Budgeting for these additional expenses upfront can save you from financial strain down the line.

Skipping Home Inspections

It is never a good idea to skip a professional home inspection. Inspections can uncover hidden problems that could cost you dearly in the future, from structural issues to outdated electrical systems. It’s a small investment that can save you thousands in the long run.


Buying a home is a significant decision, and it’s essential to approach it with caution and preparation. By understanding what not to do, you can make more informed decisions, avoid common pitfalls, and find a home that’s not just a beautiful space but a wise investment. Take your time, do your research, and always be prepared to walk away if a property doesn’t meet your standards.

For more tips on navigating the home-buying process, get in touch or check out our other resources and guides to empower your journey to finding your perfect home.


Understanding assessed values is crucial for property owners in British Columbia (BC). These values not only impact property taxes but also reflect broader real estate trends in the province. This blog aims to unpack the concept of assessed value in BC and its implications for homeowners.

What is Assessed Value?

In BC, the assessed value is the estimation of a property’s worth as determined by BC Assessment, a provincial Crown corporation. This value is used primarily for property taxation purposes and is distinct from the market value, which is the potential selling price of a property.

Determining Assessed Value in BC

The assessed value in BC is determined based on several factors:

  • Location of the property
  • Size and layout
  • Age and condition of the property
  • Improvements or renovations
  • Comparable sales in the area

BC Assessment uses a combination of these factors to determine assessed values each year.

Assessed Value and Property Taxes in BC

Property taxes in BC are directly tied to the assessed value of a property. Local municipalities set tax rates, which are applied to the assessed value to calculate the property tax owed. An increase or decrease in the assessed value of a property in British Columbia doesn’t automatically lead to a similar change in property taxes. Taxes depend on municipal tax rates, local government budget needs, and how your property’s value changes relative to others in the area. If your property’s value increases more or less than the average in your community, it could disproportionately affect your tax bill.

Assessed vs. Market Value

Assessed value and market value in real estate are distinct yet often confused concepts. The assessed value is set by a public tax assessor, like BC Assessment in British Columbia, and is used for calculating property taxes. This value is determined annually, considering factors like location, size, and age, representing the value of the property as of July 1st of the previous year which often does not reflect current market conditions. Market value, on the other hand, represents what a property could sell for in the open market as of right now. It is influenced by real-time supply and demand, economic factors, and the property’s current condition. The primary difference between the two lies in their purpose and determination method, leading to potential discrepancies between them.

Challenging Assessed Values in BC

Homeowners in BC can challenge their property’s assessed value if they believe it is incorrect. After reviewing the assessed value and past sales of similar properties, if you feel your assessed value is incorrect you can find out more about the appeal process at The appeal process involves filing a complaint with the Property Assessment Review Panel by January 31st.

For homeowners in British Columbia, staying informed about assessed values is key to managing property taxes and understanding the real estate market. While assessed values provide a baseline for taxation, they are not always indicative of current market conditions.

If you’d like a free market evaluation of the current value of your home, please contact us at 604-561-4371 or


Stunning Chilliwack Condo in Brixton Station, Garrison Crossing

New Condo Listing Alert in Chilliwack, BC!

Looking for your dream home? Look no further! We’re thrilled to present this stunning townhouse at the award-winning Brixton Station in Garrison Crossing. This end unit townhome has it all!

️ 3 Bedrooms
4 Bathrooms
2,280 sqft of Living Space

The open-concept floorplan is perfect for entertaining. The kitchen features quartz counters, stainless steel appliances, and a huge island that’s a chef’s dream. It flows seamlessly into the spacious dining and family rooms, creating the ideal gathering space for friends and family.

The large master suite is a true retreat, complete with a walk-in closet and a luxurious 5-piece ensuite. There’s an additional bedroom with an ensuite upstairs, perfect for guests or family members.

But that’s not all! Downstairs, you’ll find one more large bedroom, a rec room, and a storage/laundry room. And let’s not forget the backyard – it’s a true oasis, featuring a patio that’s perfect for parties and plenty of space for play on the lush artificial turf.

Additional features include air conditioning and a tankless hot water system. Plus, you’ll have 2 parking spaces included for your convenience.

Location? It couldn’t be better! You’ll be just steps away from the Cheam Leisure Centre and park, fantastic restaurants, and shopping options.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of paradise in Chilliwack. Contact us today to schedule a viewing before it’s gone! ✨


5 Sustainability Features to Look for in a Home

There are many things to consider when looking for the right home; one of those considerations should be sustainability.  A sustainable home is not only better for the environment, but it can also save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

Here are five features that offer sustainable options, which will help you conserve resources and save costs on heat, water and electricity.


Windows are incredibly important when it comes to energy efficiency. The quality of windows installed in a house greatly impact heat conservation. New double or triple pane, argon-filled windows provide extra insulation and better noise reduction for your home.
Properly insulated windows are a must for keeping heat from escaping during the cold winter months. However, the orientation of the windows to the sun should also be considered, as south-facing windows allow radiant heat from sunlight to enter the home each day.


Tied for second place along with water-saving features, a home’s heat source and heat conservation are also very important. A high-efficiency furnace, automated climate control, high value insulation, and heat recovery ventilation are must-haves among others.
South-facing windows, geothermal systems, and active solar energy systems are great sustainable features for heating a home. A geothermal system utilizes the stable ground temperature to regulate a home’s temperature, whereas an active solar energy system gathers heat from the sun.


It is very important to conserve our freshwater supply. Sustainable homes utilize features that minimize water usage. Features like low-flow toilets, sinks, and showerheads, automated sprinklers, rain collectors, and xeriscaping go a long way in water conservation.


You can utilize the sun’s rays to help increase sustainability. Solar panels, solar water heating, and orientation to the sun for natural heating are all ways we can effectively utilize solar energy.


It can be difficult at times to keep up with advancements in technology. Try looking for LED lighting and programmable energy-efficient appliances in a sustainable home.  If the home is equipped with a solar panel array, ask for a comparison of the home’s electric generation and consumption.  Is there a charging outlet in the garage for a potential future electric car?

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